Examples are valid for:
ROS version: Kinetic
Ubuntu version: ubuntu-16.04
This problem is shown in the figure.
When executing "roslaunch xarm_gazebo xarm6_beside_table.launch run_demo: = true", all joints of the UFACTORY xArm are at 0 in the gazebo.
● Comment out the Pid parameter of the joint under the gazebo_ros_control module in the xarm6_traj_controller file.
● Comment out the Pid parameter of the joint under the gazebo_ros_control module in the xarm6_position_controllers file.
● Save the xarm6_traj_controller.yaml and the xarm6_position_controllers.yaml
The directory of the xarm6_traj_controller file: src/xarm_controller/config/xarm6_traj_controller.yaml
type: joint_state_controller/JointStateController
publish_rate: 50
type: position_controllers/JointTrajectoryController
- joint1
- joint2
- joint3
- joint4
- joint5
- joint6
goal_time: 0.5
stopped_velocity_tolerance: 0.05
joint1: {trajectory: 1, goal: 0.01}
joint2: {trajectory: 1, goal: 0.01}
joint3: {trajectory: 1, goal: 0.01}
joint4: {trajectory: 1, goal: 0.01}
joint5: {trajectory: 1, goal: 0.01}
joint6: {trajectory: 1, goal: 0.01}
stop_trajectory_duration: 0.2
state_publish_rate: 25
action_monitor_rate: 10
# No Pid gains specified error fix
# gazebo_ros_control:
# pid_gains:
# joint1: {p: 1200.0, i: 5.0, d: 10.0}
# joint2: {p: 1400.0, i: 5.0, d: 10.0}
# joint3: {p: 1200.0, i: 5.0, d: 5.0}
# joint4: {p: 850.0, i: 3.0, d: 5.0}
# joint5: {p: 500.0, i: 3.0, d: 1.0}
# joint6: {p: 500.0, i: 1.0, d: 1.0}
The directory of the xarm6_position_controllers file: src/xarm_controller/config/xarm6_position_controllers.yaml
# Publish all joint states ----------------------------------- joint_state_controller:
type: joint_state_controller/JointStateController
publish_rate: 50
# Position Controllers --------------------------------------- joint1_position_controller:
type: position_controllers/JointPositionController
joint: joint1
pid: {p: 1200.0, i: 5.0, d: 10.0}
type: position_controllers/JointPositionController
joint: joint2
pid: {p: 1400.0, i: 5.0, d: 10.0}
type: position_controllers/JointPositionController
joint: joint3
pid: {p: 1200.0, i: 5.0, d: 5.0}
type: position_controllers/JointPositionController
joint: joint4
pid: {p: 850.0, i: 3.0, d: 5.0}
type: position_controllers/JointPositionController
joint: joint5
pid: {p: 500.0, i: 3.0, d: 1.0}
type: position_controllers/JointPositionController
joint: joint6
pid: {p: 500.0, i: 1.0, d: 1.0}
# No Pid gains specified error fix
# gazebo_ros_control:
# pid_gains:
# joint1: {p: 1200.0, i: 5.0, d: 10.0}
# joint2: {p: 1400.0, i: 5.0, d: 10.0}
# joint3: {p: 1200.0, i: 5.0, d: 5.0}
# joint4: {p: 850.0, i: 3.0, d: 5.0}
# joint5: {p: 500.0, i: 3.0, d: 1.0}
# joint6: {p: 500.0, i: 1.0, d: 1.0}
● After the problem is solved, execute the following commands, xArm will move normally in gazebo, see the following video.
source devel/set.bash
roslaunch xarm_gazebo xarm6_beside_table.launch run_demo:=true